2024 Art-a-thon

2024 MAA Art-a-thon

Monroe Arts Association is hosting an Art-a-thon on October 26-27th.  What is an art-a-thon? Well, it’s a fundraiser where artists make art for 24 hours and get people to sponsor them either by the hour or just a lump sum. We have a website set up to handle all of the transactions.  https://Go.dojiggy.io/Monroe-arts.


How can you participate? Well, a couple of ways.  If you are an artist and available on those days, you can sign-up to participate https://go.dojiggy.io/maaartists. So, send out your link to friends, family, and perhaps random strangers and have them pledge to sponsor you. They can go to this webpage: https//go.dojiggy.io/Monroe-arts.


For artists, you don’t have to do the full 24 hours. Just set up how many hours you want to make art. You can put that in when you register. You can make whatever you want…big projects are probably a good thing.  Or lots of little projects. The idea is to make art. Art made can be purchased after the event. Since this is a fundraiser, MAA will take a 50% commission for Art-a-thon art that gets sold.  We'll be putting items up for sale online.


If you’re not an artist or are an artist but not available that weekend, you can sponsor an artist by either sponsoring an artist by the hour or just a lump sum. You can also purchase the art made (still working on how that will work) or you can commission a piece to be made during the art-a-thon (still working on the details of that as well).


At any rate, you’re welcome to stop in during the Art-a-thon and provide comic relief for the artists.


If you have any questions, please let me know.

Thanks for helping to support MAA!


Trischa Goodnow

MAA Gallery Director